Life is a full of surprise journey - have you prepared your own funeral ? ~ Military Toy

a d v e r t i s e m e n t s

Monday, February 11, 2008

Life is a full of surprise journey - have you prepared your own funeral ?

I agree that life is full surprises, we're out of money - but who knows tomorrow somebody will return to us money they borrowed before. We are living wealthy and healthy, but who knows tomorrow we will pass away, leaving all of our children, all of our friend and family and never turn back?

There is also other surprise from that say we can buy $50,000 in $1 cost. With their life insurance no exam it's possible to buy insurance direct by mail, without waiting periode in as a low as $1. But ofcourse there are also another option of life insurance no exam coverage, started from $5,000 up to $50,000.

Life insurance no exam is a good way to prefunding our own funeral, a thoughful way to help ou loved ones cope with our death. Since funeral and cemmetery expenses are an expensive obligation.

Life is a full of surprise isnt it?